610-245-3904 Info@Divineloraine.com
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A Philadelphia based band with a slick and infectious rock sound

What They’re Saying

A band that has uniquely infused the sounds of classic rock with their own force of modern rock for nearly a decade now continue to produce songs that can muster up old school Black Sabbath-esque delight to simple acoustic ballads that tips it hat to Neil Young

What’s It Sound Like

* Blended * Unique * Spontaneous * * Dedicated *

These are just a few of the ingredients that keep this five piece band yearning for new musical ideas and their hunger alive

Group Events

Appearances on local Philadelphia radio stations Y100 and 94WYSP. A Television performance includes an appearance on Philadelphia’s Fox 29 Morning Show and live performances throughout the immediate area have included the Grape Street, The Khyber, The North Star, The Keswick Theatre and Arlene’s Grocery,  just to name a few

Someone Say Awards

Nominated for “Best Album” at the Philadelphia Music Awards in 2004

Also named best local original band in Philadelphia back in 2000. They’ve appeared on local Philadelphia radio station Y100 and 94WYSP - Hank E Pankie

These are just a few of the ingredients that keep this five piece band yearning for new musical ideas and their hunger alive. Their roots go back when Kevin Patrick Olinik (vocals) crossed paths, with then Spoiled Turkey members, Dan E. Park (drums) and Drew Pennington (guitar) at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA back in 1995. Their common adoration of music soon formed the bond that has become the staple of Divine Loraine. Paul Miller, long time friend and former band mate of Kevin soon joined months later on guitar while the then trio of Kevin, Andy and Dan were practicing in the basement of Dan’s parents. A bass player was needed and soon Dan’s older brother David, took to the call. Brushing off his old bass guitar and reestablishing himself into the rock community, David proved to be a guiding force for the young band.

Practices became more frequent, the writing more furious and soon shows throughout Philadelphia and the immediate area became routine. Through the years, the band has formed a dedicated following and their live shows became known for their full force of gritty rock n’ roll. Dave soon left for the other side of the glass, moving on on to record the band (along with other local greats, such as Kurt Vile, BBS and Pleasing Micia.) The band soon went on to recruit a few more great bass players. Among them being Ron Pennington, Andy’s brother and one time player in Kurt Vile’s backing band “The Violators” and then Manic Mule’s Jason Ganis (Also a past member of The Violaters) In 2003 Len Megan, who had played on some bills with Divine Loraine a few years back in his band, Shirati found himself auditioning for the band he had once admired so much. Len was soon in and has proved to be a great addition to the band.

Divine Loraine continues to write and proves to be modern day disciples and leaders in their local rock community, staying true to their mission no matter what obstacle stands in their way. Their bond has become tighter than ever. Especially since March of 2004 when Kevin was diagnosed with cancer. The band individually kept busy by writing and performing where chance gave them. The result produced some of the finest material the band has produced and Kevin is once again back on stage. They take pride in their music. Pride in their performance. Pride in their city. But most importantly, pride in their union as musicians, friends and brothers who are, Divine Loraine.

Music for Sale

Since 1995 Divine Loraine has released four albums, Honkies From Outer Space, Touch of Jazz, Four Song Demo and their latest, The Spark which was recorded at Philadelphia’s famous Sigma Sound Studios and Under House Studios

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